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Is Trading Forex Illegal?

There are many risks involved with forex trading, including the risk of being scammed. Although the exchange market has regulatory oversight, there is still...

Forex Trading Techniques

Forex Trading Techniques, one of the most fundamental kinds of forex professions are a long trade and a short trade. In a long profession, the...

Foreign exchange Trading: A Beginner’s Guide

  Forex is a portmanteau of international money as well as exchange. Forex is the process of changing one money right into an additional for...

What’s the Definition of Online Forex Trading?

The Foreign Exchange Market (Forex) is the largest exchange in the world. Its history began in 1971 with the abolishment of the gold standard....

How Do You Trade in Forex?

The best way to learn how to trade in forex is to choose a sound currency and focus your attention on a few currencies....

Three ways to trade Forex

There are three ways to trade foreign exchange. They are the area, forwards, and futures markets, as adheres to: Area market Forex trading in the...

What Are the Best Forex Trading Websites?

There are numerous reasons why some stock trading websites are better than others. E-Trade, a major online brokerage, has been around for years and...

What Are the Basics of Forex Trading?

The basics of forex trading involve buying and selling real currency. For example, if you want to buy Euros, you would exchange your pound...

GBP/JPY – MONTHLY(09/23/13)

Monthly view of the GBP/JPY (09/23/13) The GBP/JPY is now approaching a major monthly based tendline started in 2000 with touchpoints in ‘08 &...

How Do Traders Get Their Profit in Forex?

Successful forex traders use a combination of strategies to maximize their profits. Generally, they reduce their calculated net profits by 10%. This is done...

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